ACerts Roofing Service

The ACerts name has been the most trusted and reputable name in roofing in Dallas, Texas  for almost 40 years. Our certified team of professionals is experienced in all types of roofing products and applications to ensure that we provide you with the best residential and commercial roofing project with a peace of mind. We are here, ready to serve you for all your roofing needs. just give us a call and book your appointment today for free no obligation estimate. Whether it is a roof replacement, roof repair, or required roof maintenance we can assist.

Why choose ACerts for Roofing?

Avoid dealing with unreliable contractors

Honest and thorough in-person consultative inspection

Customized solutions for you and your property

We take time to listen to you in order to provide customized roof solutions to match your needs, budget, and style

Peace of Mind

A warranty and team you can trust and a long term partner to help you protect your home or business

Replacing or repairing your roof can sound scary… but it doesn’t have to be that way. Experience our service, driven by genuine care for you and your property.